The Fantuzzi Laboratory is based in Cavallino (province of Lecce in Puglia), Italy. The activity was born from an exciting research begun in 2005 on the production and application methods of vegetable dyes in collaboration with the Museum of Natural Colors of Lamoli (provinces of Pesaro and Urbino). Marco Fantuzzi today produces completely natural colours, lacquers and watercolours, growing his own or taking care of crops from which he obtains the best materials for color extraction. His passion and dedication led him to represent a unicum in the natural colors sector thanks also to his rediscovery of coloring herbs and roots which had no longer been used for decades and which had been forgotten.
Its production of lacquers, watercolors and inks is of the highest quality and sought after by the best artists.
Each jar contains 25g of pigment except for Red Cochineal which contains 20g.
The old experience of using natural colors and obtain them from dyeing plants, animals, minerals and oxides, gradually disappears in the early '900 when they entered the market the synthetic colors. In the 30s of the last century, the world was still using dyestuffs production plant for paint and dye fabrics. In a few decades, the vegetable colors disappear completely from the uses dyers and are almost forgotten by the younger generation. For the many and obvious environmental issues (derived from use of 100 years of synthetic chemistry) and for raising awareness of these, today, the man returns to discover these ancient colors.
These pigments are produced through a process of craftsmanship that comes from the study and experimentation of ancient medieval recipes. Lacquers and plant pigments are part of a particular family of colors derived from natural organic raw materials, chosen among those that gave the best stability results. The lacquers are formed from organic dyes stably fixed on inert mineral substances which constitute the support, as for example the derivatives of aluminum. The plant pigments are obtained through delicate processes of extraction and processing of raw materials, such as slow coalification of the wood, the fermentation of some leaves and drying of particular resins. The red lakes are derived from the madder root or dust of an insect called the cochineal, lacquers from yellow flowers and leaves of mignonette. The blue pigment is obtained from the leaves of the Isatis tinctoria (woad or glastum), black from charcoal or Haematoxylum campechianum (logwood or bloodwoodtree). The method of craftsmanship, totally free of any petrochemical product, allows you to preserve the harmony of the active ingredients, giving the color a delicate texture and a rich variety of reflections.
The transparency of these colors makes them indispensable for the glazes. Their use is particularly indicated for the tempera paint, watercolor, oil, for the preparation of crayons, inks and paints. Tested in painting techniques have proven effective stability. Colors can be mixed together to get other shades, you can apply on paper, canvas, wood.