
Some abrasive indispensable useful for special finishes.
  1. Horsetail pack of 12 mixed pcs. New!
    Cremona Tools 547115

    Horsetail pack of 12 mixed pcs.

  2. Steel wool 0000 Extra Fine
    Cremona Tools GR-7113

    Steel wool 0000 Extra Fine

    3 reviews
    starting at: €9.89
  3. Ekamant Ekabluev abrasives
    Ekamant GR-6502

    Ekamant Ekabluev abrasives

    starting at: €0.29
  4. Shinex Sanding Sheets
    Shinex GR-6014

    Shinex Sanding Sheets

    starting at: €2.50
  5. Kovax self-adhesive sandpaper roll
    Hosco GR-4813

    Kovax self-adhesive sandpaper roll

    starting at: €7.00
  6. Kovax Finish Repairing Papers
    Kovax GR-6015

    Kovax Finish Repairing Papers

    3 reviews
    starting at: €1.40
  7. Micro-Mesh® Foam Block
    Micro-Mesh 546728

    Micro-Mesh® Foam Block

  8. Pumice Powder < 90 µ, very fine 100g
    Kremer 599907

    Pumice Powder < 90 µ, very fine 100g

  9. Tripoli Rotten Stone light 100g
    Kremer 599930

    Tripoli Rotten Stone light 100g
